“Special K”
A very interesting program began as an “experiment” … Designed for children in Kindergarten, it fostered their interest in and understanding of the process of Religious Education. We meet in the Solarium monthly, on Friday afternoons at 4:30. The theme has been “Welcoming Jesus” and we have covered many topics: Prayer, Sharing, Community among them. This year, the Program will begin in October and we have expanded our range of topics to include some holiday traditions and explanations of the Church seasons so that a young child may connect more easily with parish life. The program is entirely voluntary- so come and see! If you plan on coming, email Sister Diane so we have enough materials. [email protected]
Dates for Special K Fridays:
10/25, 11/22, 12/13, 2024 1/31, 2/28, 3/28, 4/25, 2025